Affordable Living Room Makeover: Tips from Top Interior Designers in Kasaragod and Mangalore
Are you looking for ideas to renovate your current living space with new designs for the living room? Ok, maybe it doesn’t sound as easy as the thought itself, right? It is not that demanding either. Here are a few suggestions that can give a brand new look to your old living room without needing to burn a hole in your pockets. A lot of bonding happens over tea and talk, after all, and why not have it in a convenient space with ease. You’re not going to have to break up the bank and have an updated living room at your side yet.
Here are the ways you can reinvent your living room
Owing to the variety of tasks it needs to do a living room is also one of the most used spaces in the house: it is where we entertain friends, rest, play sports, and socialize. For watching television, sleeping, and homework, certain living rooms are often included. Here are a few thoughts on offering a quick refresh to your living room decor without breaking the bank. Since a remodel of a living room doesn’t really have to be a massive renovation, it may only be a mild facelift! Check our article on the reasons for layering your living room rugs for even more ideas!
- Picture the layout before you start-
Before buying, re-imagine what you do have. Without splashing out, refocusing the layout could encourage you to redesign your living room. So instead of following the same traditional layout in your living room, coffee table in the middle, sofas pushed up against either wall, TV at one end, why not try something more interesting, such as pulling your furniture away from the wall; or using a piece of artwork as a focal point (rather than the TV); or even just de-cluttering and clearing some furniture to make the living room feel like a focal point

- Revamp your old furniture
Compared to purchasing new ones, revamping your old furniture is not only inexpensive: it is also an environmentally-friendly choice. However, saving money on retrieving upholstered furniture just makes sense if the frame is of high quality. If you’re not sure, then choosing a loose cover to refurbish your sofa or chair might be better. Cover scratched or rusty upholstery with imprinted throws for a fast repair to give it a new look. And as with walls, the paint will turn old furniture magically. It can still be sanded down again and don’t feel guilty about painting your vintage furniture.
- Add layers of accessories
There are several designs for living room decor out there but accessories are by far the simplest and cheapest way to refresh your living room. Seasonally, swap your pillows with the new styles, and pair them with summer cotton throws and winter soft woolly blankets. It’s affordable and can guarantee that it still looks amazing in your living room. Another way to bring a different pattern and decoration to a room is to add rugs. It’s not necessarily as cheap, but a woolly winter rug can always be alternated with a summer rug of cotton or jute.
- Make your wall attractive
Would you want an alternative to showing videos and photos? Fabric wall hangings are a simple and affordable way to brighten up the regular blank wall and add a Bohemian flair to the style. In the case of wall hangings, if you have an enticing bed cover lingering in a drawer somewhere, you do not even need to buy something new. Also, there are numerous DIY’s you could do to bring the best in making a trash item the center showpiece.
- Add greenery inside
A few house plants, a candle, and fresh flowers brighten up space so much. They will always be a great, low-cost way to decorate. House plants can be a quick, cheap, fast, and rewarding way to make a room feel cozier and more inviting. If real plants are not feasible, you can always try some fake ones!
When in doubt, add more plants.
- Invest in a good couch
If you’re going to splurge on any one item, make it a good couch. The most expensive pieces of furniture should be your coach and your mattress. Those are almost certainly going to be the most used items in the house, and you’ll get years out of high-quality ones. The things you sit and sleep on and the things that get the most use and wear. You can get much cheaper side tables, bookshelves, etc as you aren’t hanging them around so much. The last thing you want is to have a visually nice room that no one wants to spend any time in because the furniture is uncomfortable.
- Lit up your floorings-
Redoing a floor doesn’t have to be a costly workout. But a new floor finish would do wonders for the room whether you have a worn carpet or scratched tiles. Without so much thought, carpets can be recycled, and there is an incredible range available to accommodate all budgets, as in other construction materials. Nice and highly cost-effective flooring choices are also vinyl tiles or wooden laminates. One of these new floor finishes’ great benefits is that they can be mounted on top of the existing tile or cement finish, making them easy and often mess-free alternatives.
- Ambience/lighting matters!
Utilize natural light as much as possible. A small room might benefit from glass surfaces that allow light to pass through and open the space up. It would not benefit from a large, bright white lamp. Varied sources of soft light generally look and feel better than a single bright one.